Kuma's Place: Second Chances
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Location: Florida, United States

A stroke survivor living in Florida & working at getting back to being "me". I write for me because if I don't, the top of my head may just blow off from all the pressure in the there! It will never win any awards but it's enough to amuse me & that's all that matters.

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Thursday, September 15, 2005

Second Chances

Isn't that what it's all about? A second chance at life? Another try to do something more or to experience something new? It's what I thought the first time I had a brain tumor taken out of what some people have termed my "thick skull". I could say that it was some years ago that this happened, but I have a form of OCD which means that instead of just saying "some years ago", it was literally 11 years, 2 months, and 23 days (I could get in to the hours and minutes but I won't) since I had the first brain tumor taken out.
Back then, I swore that I would never turn down a chance to try something new, well, except for blowfish. I still haven't gotten up the nerve to try and eat blowfish. that is a little too dangerous in my opnion! Certainly more dangerous than skydiving, which I have tried! As soon as I was able to, I tried sky diving, bungi jumping, cold water and wreck diving, attack dog training, car racing, hot air ballooning, sushi, and eating sheeps brains and chocolate covered bugs (I really don't reccommend eating either again-even if it both are considered a delicacy in some parts of the world). I have read novels that I never thought I would get the chance to and in fact I read just about everything that comes my way! I faced the thought of never being able to drive or even walk again and was up and walking within a week of my surgery, even if the first few steps were extremely shaky and I promptly threw up after my first three!
But the point is, I did it. I did it all. I went after every dream that I had and some that I didn't even know that I did! I've been married and divorced unfortunately, but the second time around has been the charm! Second chances are what it's all about! I swore I would never get married again after the first time failed so badly and ended in heartache and misery for me. But I did it and I'm glad that I did. I found a wonderful man who loves me and cares for me and most importantly, is my mental equal and my best friend. He even likes my dogs, who adore him as well. Hey, he passed the canine and feline test, so I had to keep him! Best of all, he lets me be "me", thick headedness and all.
Now I have to face the "knife" again. I thought that I was through with all of that once and for all. I guess not. I do have more deams now, even is some of them have been met since meeting my husband. We've been to Arizona and Las Vegas together and gone on a cruise together to the Bahamas. He promises that one day in the future we'll cruise Alaska together and go to Montana and colorado. I have new dreams that I want to accomplish with him, I just hope for the chance to do so.
Sure I'm scared. Who wouldn't be? This is like a second chance again, or even a third chance. I just wish it was a chance that I didn't have to take. I never wanted to go through that surgery again though. Lord knows I didn't and have tried to avoid it or take a different route to have this second brain tumor taken care of. In a few days I go back "under the knife" as they say. My prognosis this time around is a lot better than the first time! It's not as bad this time, nowhere near as bad as the first! But still, a brain tumor is a brain tumor, and nothing to shake a stick at. This time around though, I want the chance to come back and write though. I guess you could say that I have a promise I need to keep. A promise to more than just myself this time. It's a promise to my uncle.
I've known this man all of my life and he is such an inspiration to me. He gave me my first Big Red shirt when I was less than a half pint and no higher than his knee cap! I still have a picture of me standing in my parent's kitchen with my Go Big Red sweathshirt on and a snowmobile helmet pushed halfway back off my face and my snowboots and pants on getting ready for an outing into the great outdoors! He may not be an "uncle" in the offical terms of family, but more like in the native american terminology of an older adult that helps guide you on the path of life. He's always been my "Uncle Ken". I grew up on the tales of his adventures of flying a private jet for Willie nelson and him and my dad working together. I wanted to be like him when I grew up. Whenever he came for a visit, it was always like a party in the house and he always had time for me, even when I had the mumps and was so sick one December when I was 6 years old. I grew up idolizing a man that seemed so fearless and could do amazing things! And my uncle is a writer, a published one! I have copies of his books even if he doesn't know it and I prize them above all other books in my collection. I've scoured archives for articles he has written and keep copies of everything I have found squirreled away on my computer. He has always encouraged me to write. "Write about anything! Write about what you know! Just write! Write! Write!" To really write. He's also a "Storm Chaser." Yep, he 's one of those nuts that drives around in his car spotting tornadoes and reporting on his HAM radio! He is the one that has helped me to get back into my kick of writing. I write about anything now, anything at all that streaks across my mind.
I guess this should be considered practice for one day actually doing something with it. It also is a second chance. A chance to try it again. I gave up writing during my first marriage because there wasn't any time for it between working two full time jobs. But that's different now. So, after I get back on the road to recovery this time, I have places I want to see and things that I want to do. And I have a promise to keep. A promise of words to share. It may take me a long time or it might not ever happen, but I have that promise to keep of always doing my best to "WRITE WRITE WRITE!"

Go big Red

Comments on "Second Chances"


Blogger flkenny said ... (5:11 AM) : 

If you are going to bet on this one, take Dannie over the Huskers. You won't need the points.


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