Kuma's Place: Mr. Clean is in da house!
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Location: Florida, United States

A stroke survivor living in Florida & working at getting back to being "me". I write for me because if I don't, the top of my head may just blow off from all the pressure in the there! It will never win any awards but it's enough to amuse me & that's all that matters.

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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Mr. Clean is in da house!

I don't know what I would do without this guy in my life. He's my other best male friend. Scottie T, aka Big Scottie, Mr. Clean, Scottie the Closer. I met him when I started working at Home Depot back in 99. I was assigned to the paint department and I was stacking 5 gallon buckets as I watched a huge door with legs go walking by me. Literally. After the door was deposited off at the service counter, this guy comes walking back through my department & stops to introduce himself. He says "hi, my name is Scottie & I'm closing Building Materials tonight. The Assistant Manager said you don't have your reach truck license yet so if you need anything brought don fro the overheads, let me know." I was rooted in my place. Here was this dude that carried a fucking double door, under ONE arm, and he looked exactly like the guy off the Mr. Clean bottle. I nearly wet myself laughing at the incongruity of it all. Scott & I became fast friends after that night. His department lead, Big Tony was a mountain of a guy (rest his soul, Tony passed away a few years ago at the age of 36), who's hand was bigger than my entire head. I loved these two guys like brothers. They took care of me on the nights we were closing the store & made sure that all the drunk assholes that were drawn to paint like moths to a fucking light source left me the hell alone. A typical Friday night in our old store went like this:
Me(at 5'3" tall) faced off with 2 belligerent drunk construction workers who came in through the front doors (paint was by the main entrance) and wanted "their shit for a morning job"-all 20 fucking gallons of it but they couldn't remember what color was needed & me, being the paint goddess I was-should have been able to divine their fucking wishes via their booze addled brains. yeah right. I actually had one start poking me in the shoulder wanting his "fucking supplies Little Missy-the boss man ordered it earlier today!" (yeah from Lowe's you knuckle-dragging neanderthal!). Scottie & Tony happened to be carrying up orders from receiving at this point & watched all this unfold. As far as Scottie was concerned, the sun shined out of my ass I would babysit his girls at a moment's notice so he & his wife could go out to dinner on occasion & Tony thought I made the best martini's this far south of NYC when I was bar tending so in effect: I CAN DO NO WRONG! Besides, the last thing anyone wanted to do at that store was piss of the safety captain (me) because it would mean I would shake hell in their department before the end of their shift! Scottie stood behind me as Tony stepped up to the drunken slugs pretending to be humans & politely informed them that they were leaving the store. NOW. Those two buffoons started laughing & teasing me saying I had to get my "boys" to protect me. Scottie said "nope-we're here to prevent her from killing you shit heads & us having to clean up the bloody mess when she decides to rip you limb from limb." I loved working with those guys on the evening shifts & over night pack downs.It always amused me.
Poor Scottie. He has the most beautiful of two little girls who I enjoy being around every chance I get. His (now) ex-wife is a T-Rex bitch and moved to Long Island & took the two angels with her. Scottie is still here in Florida, working two full-time jobs to take care of his girls. I get to see them when they visit & he flies up there all the time. We've always confided in each other since the beginning & have a great understanding between us. He was there for me during my divorce & offered to hide a body a time or two for me and I likewise for him. He used to tease me about my roommate Jon & we'd go bowling on Sunday nights with a few friends to blow off some steam & have a couple of beers-me trying not to beat Sandy's skull in with my 14lb ball & him pitching his 20 pound ball down the lane at approximately 24 mph! nice Scott, really nice there dude-try keeping it in OUR lane next time huh? Sometimes, you just need a friend like that. Besides, Capricorns & Sanitarians make really great lifelong friends. Now I need to find him a decent girl to date. So far I have not approved of any of the ones that he's gone out with lately. need I repeat this? eeeeeeeeeeeeew Scottie, you can dry hump her all you want but dear God don't let her know where you live! Bleck!


Comments on "Mr. Clean is in da house!"


Blogger Nikki said ... (3:43 AM) : 

Dude is hot okay. HOT.


Blogger DannieS72 said ... (4:05 AM) : 

he's available Nikki!


Blogger DannieS72 said ... (4:30 AM) : 

help me find him a nice girl! LOL! I'll ship him anywhere! LOL


Blogger Mia said ... (3:10 AM) : 

We need to start a match making service!


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