Kuma's Place: Some days it doesn't pay to get out of bed
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Location: Florida, United States

A stroke survivor living in Florida & working at getting back to being "me". I write for me because if I don't, the top of my head may just blow off from all the pressure in the there! It will never win any awards but it's enough to amuse me & that's all that matters.

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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Some days it doesn't pay to get out of bed

Not really. Especially when you feel exactly like this! It's nothing that a full night's rest wouldn't cure, but who has time for that any more? Or should I say, who can seem to find a full night's rest? It's easer to herd cats than it is to go to sleep most nights.
My alarm is set for 6am but if that doesn't get me out of bed, the fwapping of my dog's ears as he shakes his head & the jungling of the tags on his collar usually does the trick. The sleep I do get is not restful soI get out of bed, try stretching screaming muscles somewhat so I can let him & his older compatriot the poodle out for their morning abulations, before starting mine.
By the time I'm done fighting with the intacies of getting dressed & eating breakfast, it's time to head for work & I'm still not in the most pleasent frame of mind. She is usually how I see my day & greet my office clutter. At least her personna seems to have full use of her ypper limbs on the celluloid upon which she was originally created. That's more than I can say for myself.

Comments on "Some days it doesn't pay to get out of bed"


Blogger Mia said ... (2:28 PM) : 

I know that routine oh so well..lol
Lately Cleo has taken to fighting with me over my pillow and my quilt. Mind you she has her own fleece lined bed on the floor complete with pillow. Personally I think she's digging on my sponge bob sheets.


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