Kuma's Place: These Kiddos Are A Damn Good Reason Why I get up in the Morning
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Location: Florida, United States

A stroke survivor living in Florida & working at getting back to being "me". I write for me because if I don't, the top of my head may just blow off from all the pressure in the there! It will never win any awards but it's enough to amuse me & that's all that matters.

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Friday, February 16, 2007

These Kiddos Are A Damn Good Reason Why I get up in the Morning

These three sweethearts are a big part of why I get up in the morning every day. They aren't the only reason but they are a really big part of it and I just wish I could see them more then once a year. They are my buddies & the children of my best friend Cathy. They grow so quickly & I miss out on so much. I went up in 2005 when Cole was barley a month old & then I saw them in Feb. of 2006 when Cathy & Jamie came down to Florida. Sydney is my sweetie & my oldest goddaughter. She has her confirmation & first communion coming up at the end of April. I've gotten her gift ready to send, but I'm trying to arrange it so that I can be up there that weekend & surprise her. I have yet to see the new house as well. Poor kiddos, they didn't know how to act with me last year, barely being able to hug them nor could I crawl around with them like I did the year before. I don't know who was more upset by that, Blake or myself. It's just hard sometimes. They color me pictures & make me gifts & I love to receive their care packages of love & kisses. These three live the farthest away from me up there in Ottawa and then there is my sweet Ellie in Texas who I have yet to meet. On of these days I'll get out there.


Comments on "These Kiddos Are A Damn Good Reason Why I get up in the Morning"


Blogger Mia said ... (2:54 AM) : 

They are very lucky to have you. Come to think of it so am I. Thank you for being who you are lady and ummm lay off the sauce!


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