Kuma's Place: I Have Impeccable Timing
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Location: Florida, United States

A stroke survivor living in Florida & working at getting back to being "me". I write for me because if I don't, the top of my head may just blow off from all the pressure in the there! It will never win any awards but it's enough to amuse me & that's all that matters.

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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I Have Impeccable Timing

It's been a bit since I've posted and for that, I apologize. I've been busy with work recently & other things that I really need to mention on here, and I will! I promise. But I digress.

It turns out that I have impeccable timing. It's only Tuesday and as usual, my "awkward situation sense" (you know, that 7th sense-the one many of us have when it comes to calling people when they are in an awkward situation-like say the bathroom or during sex) chimed in again & I just HAD to call hubby & tell him about it. Huh. He answers & says: " I'll call you back.

end of conversation.

That can only mean one thing. I called him & his cell phone has a silly ring tone on it for the home number (I called from there) and it caught him in the middle of an important/awkward/embarrassing situation!


He calls me back like two minutes later and as soon as I see the caller id I answer the phone saying: and your ring tone is what He-Who-Must-Be-Beet-Red-Now?

He says very quietly into the phone: go shorty. go shorty. it's your birthday. it's your birthday.

I am sooooooooooooooo glad I went to the bathroom BEFORE he called me back! I gulp a few breaths of air and my next question is this: And where were you when it rang?

He very, very quietly sighs before answering. I was asked by Kevin O.- the head of the shuttle program to fix the overhead projector for their meeting. He caught me out in the hallway as I was walking by & said ooh there is Jeff! He can fix it. I'm in the middle of a huge room with a hundred people looking at me as I am trying to get this projector back online. And my phone rings.

I'm snickering now with tears in my eyes. I ask him: Did you at least fix it?

He very quietly says yes & then tells me he is glad he can amuse me as I'm snorting & chuckling & laughing. You see, three times last week I called his phone & caught him in the bathroom and once yesterday. His ringtone for me is a Flock of Seagulls tune. Everyone he works with knows it's me when I call. LOL! His company picnic was Saturday. I wanted to wear my Impeccable Timing t-shirt. He wouldn't let me. (snickering) WhenI would be introduced to people at the picnic I had not yet met, they would say hello & then hum the flock of seagulls tune & I would just smile as hubby turns beet red. Gotta love it.


Comments on "I Have Impeccable Timing"


Blogger Mia said ... (2:09 AM) : 

Ha I LOVE it! Wanna know my ring tone for ma? It's "Teenagers scare the living shit out of me" by My Chemical Romance. I'm gonna have to give YOU a ringtone my pet...let me think on it.


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