Kuma's Place: My Little Sister Mia
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Location: Florida, United States

A stroke survivor living in Florida & working at getting back to being "me". I write for me because if I don't, the top of my head may just blow off from all the pressure in the there! It will never win any awards but it's enough to amuse me & that's all that matters.

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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

My Little Sister Mia

I've never had a little sister. I've always wanted one of my very own though. I have an older sister-in-law that is more like a sibling to me then my brothers are, and we're close. But I have always wanted a younger sister. I've had three younger sister-in-laws and in fact, I still have one, but it's not the same. I've always wanted a little sister to pal around with, show her the ropes, guide her, and have fun with her. A couple of years ago, I finally "met" my very own little sister! Even better, she comes with a really cool mom who I get to adopt as my own! Isn't that the bomb? In fact, I can say that hot shit people, I got my very own Latina hermana! Her name is Mia. I know, you're all so jealous & you want to know where you can go out & get one for yourself. Well, you can't. She's AAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLL MMMMMMMMMMMMIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNE!
But I'll share her with you on occassion, cause this girl makes me laugh! As does her mom.I don't know what I would do without this ray of sunshine in my life. She picks me up when I am down, makes me laugh when I'm crying, & puts a smile where before there was a frown. She has shown me so much within the last two years since I've met her online that I am constantly amazed by her and oh so very proud of her! She has shown me that there is more outside of my own little aquarium of a world and that I am more then what my situation has brought me to. I root for this girl in all that she does and seek out stuff to amuse her while she was in class, because we all know how freaking boring psychology classes can be! Hell, I've got a dual degree in psych/counseling & don't use the damn thing! I see what and who I once was-but with better fashion sense! I envy her growing up in New York though,man how fun is that! With all that I've got going on in my life & within my "aquarium" so to speak, this little sister of mine reminds me that there is so much more out there, that there is still an ocean & that I can still swim in it-that I'm not just locked within my filtered system. She's ten years my junior then me & her ma is 10 my senior, so I get 2 for the price of 1! How lucky could I be? Check her out, my little Mia, the sister of my heart, is going somewhere. She's so smart & funny and I'm so damn proud of her. I wish she really was my little sister. But that's ok, I'm just glad to know she's in my life, even if she blogs about the damndest things at times! Oie vay!

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Comments on "My Little Sister Mia"


Blogger Mia said ... (1:12 AM) : 

I am touched, I am kerflempt! I am amazed more than you will ever know. I can only hope I live up to your opinion of me. Thank you...much love for you.


Blogger DannieS72 said ... (1:26 AM) : 

chica, you don't have to try anything. you just keep being you girlie! That iswhat is omportant! That's what makes me proud to call you amiga y hermana. And when you laugh at me for saying I'm going to the cow to cook the kitchen! roflmao!


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