Kuma's Place: I Am Honored!
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Location: Florida, United States

A stroke survivor living in Florida & working at getting back to being "me". I write for me because if I don't, the top of my head may just blow off from all the pressure in the there! It will never win any awards but it's enough to amuse me & that's all that matters.

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Monday, December 31, 2007

I Am Honored!

Mia has the most amazing mom. Her mom is quite a gifted artist and I have always admired her work that Mia sends to me. I became quite enraptured of something her mom did as a surprise for Mia for Christmas & used it as a desktop background for my laptop because I was that entranced by it! Maggie created something for me that I can use on my laptop. I absolutely love it! I am so honored that she did this for me! I sent it to hubby so he could print it out for me on photo paper so that I could hang it above my desk in the new home office when I start my new job next week!


Comments on "I Am Honored!"


Blogger Jaclyn said ... (9:03 AM) : 

That midget is quite a special one isnt she?. Isnt Maggie amazing? I love her art, I also love that both Maggie and Midget are the biggest fuckin smart ass around. Those 2 ladies are truly unique.


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