Kuma's Place: A Good Reason To Stay Single
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Location: Florida, United States

A stroke survivor living in Florida & working at getting back to being "me". I write for me because if I don't, the top of my head may just blow off from all the pressure in the there! It will never win any awards but it's enough to amuse me & that's all that matters.

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Thursday, April 26, 2007

A Good Reason To Stay Single

Otherwise known as the Tron Wannabe. I received this one & a few other pics in an email titled- "Why Women Stay Single." Absolutely understandable after viewing some of the pics. I shudder at the mere thought of it. What's bad is that this picture actually reminds me of a date I went out on....once.
Let me back up a little and give some background info. After my first marriage went down the shit hole, I let my friends set me up on blind dates. Um, not a good idea when half your friends are cops. They only know other cops (I grew up as a cop's daughter & know all about their outlook on life & badge bunnies) or criminals. Let's see.... no thank you. So after a few dates that nearly ended with ME being arrested, I decided to avoid my friends' offers & tried Match.com.
Oh yeah, THERE were some real winners there! Let me tell you! Oh My Fucking God! What's worse, one of my "matches" actually had a pic of himself in an outfit similar to this-except his was green. Sigh. I met some real....interesting......people.
Funny thing was, one of the matches on my list didn't have a pic to go with his screen name. So even though he sounded normal, I didn't pick him. Not because I am interested in looks (obviously not, you should see my ex-fiancee & ex-husband), but because I usually compared the pics to the crime watch/offenders/most wanted list to make sure I would be OK out in public with them. Turns out that when my hubby & I went out on our first date-he mentioned something from my match.com ad. I nearly choked on my drink when he did. You see, he was on my list & I was on his! Except-he was the normal sounding guy with no pic that I passed over! LOL!
So now that you know there really are people out in the world who dress like this, and yes- I actually dated one, now you know why a lot of women choose to stat single, and for a very good reason!
Aren't you happy I shared?

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Comments on "A Good Reason To Stay Single"


Blogger Mia said ... (12:00 AM) : 

Good lord woman WTF?! You know my tummy just bounced a little...BARFFFFFF! Your story just goes to show you and Jeff were just meant to be. Fate kept trying to throw you guys together. Can you imagine being married to a guy in a tron suit? lmao


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