Kuma's Place: New Look! New Look!
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Location: Florida, United States

A stroke survivor living in Florida & working at getting back to being "me". I write for me because if I don't, the top of my head may just blow off from all the pressure in the there! It will never win any awards but it's enough to amuse me & that's all that matters.

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

New Look! New Look!

Aaaaaaaah, my site looks so pretty now! I have Mia to thank for how beeeee-yu-ti-fuulllllllllll it is now. She put all my faves in it! KC Fat Tiger, Kuma, & the terrorizing tuxedos! Yeah! It actually looks like I know what I'm doing now!

I didn't just say thout out loud did I? Oh Lordy. Hey, I used to create web pages BY HAND folks! Writing the freaking html & java script on my own. None of this drag & drop shit. And my Myspace page ain't too shabby if I must say so. Too bad you can't see it right now unless you are a Myspace junkie & asked to be added as my friend. Sorry, but I had to go private on there for a while. It just happens sometimes that way. But blogger! Man, it's been the death of me! I actually put my blogger up for critiquing by some really tough ladies. I cringed at the thought; but then REALLY thought over it and figured: what the heck? The only thing they can do is thrash me something fierce. But I would LEARN from it. And I did! Here's what these women had to say about my little blog: Pardon the Egg Salad & Kuma's Place.
That which does not kill us only makes us stronger! So after spending an hour on & off AOL I/M with Miss M- we got my bo-ni-fide new template loaded! What's this "WE" shit?? SHE did it all! LOL. I love her-that girl rocks!


Comments on "New Look! New Look!"


Blogger Diva Dee said ... (6:09 AM) : 

I LOVE IT, dahling!

Much better than the old one! Hats off to you!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:17 PM) : 

Well isn't this dandy! You should find a good t-shirt company and make some up. Nicely done! Gimme a U. Gimme an N...you get the idea.


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