Kuma's Place: Who could resist this face?
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Location: Florida, United States

A stroke survivor living in Florida & working at getting back to being "me". I write for me because if I don't, the top of my head may just blow off from all the pressure in the there! It will never win any awards but it's enough to amuse me & that's all that matters.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Who could resist this face?

It's my pretty boy and namesake for my blog. Who could resist such a face as this when he comes up to you & just wants to throw himself at your feet. Most of my blogger friends (I said MOST not ALL) have human children & post their baby photos on here & share with everyone. Not me. This fuzzy face IS my baby. And a happy boy he is! My hubby was playing around with his digital camera when snot face here decided to see what "Dad" was up to & stuck his schnoz right up to Jeff's. Hey dad, if you're playing with it then it must be something fun! (Please don't go off the deep end on that remark-it was meant in reference to the camera, NOT Jeff's noodle. Get your mind's out of the gutter ya freaks!)
Meh! I love this drooly guy. He's the apple of my eye so to speak. Ah well, much scrunchy baby face love to everyone!


Comments on "Who could resist this face?"


Blogger Mia said ... (2:10 AM) : 

Only you can understand why I refer to Cleo as my baby. You know it turned out we had one of those recalled dog foods in the pantry. Cleo didn't like it (she's a fussy eater) so we never fed it to her again. When I saw the food I got all choked up thinking what could have happened to my baby. Then I started crying harder thinking about the fact that one day Cleo could die..lol My friend standing next to me couldn't understand why I was crying. She has a dog but its not Cleo and me or Kuma and you.


Blogger DannieS72 said ... (2:42 AM) : 

they are our babaies!


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