Kuma's Place: Oh look, a Thursday Rant!
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Location: Florida, United States

A stroke survivor living in Florida & working at getting back to being "me". I write for me because if I don't, the top of my head may just blow off from all the pressure in the there! It will never win any awards but it's enough to amuse me & that's all that matters.

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Thursday, April 26, 2007

Oh look, a Thursday Rant!

It's not that I am in a bad mood per se, it's just that I'm a little tired this morning & really have no inclined "happy face" mood meter to allow me to speak good-natured with my appointments today. I literally feel like the above picture. So let me begin my morning rant before my first set of mid morning schedulees come in to REALLY piss me off!
  1. I love my dog. He's the coolest. But when he starts fwapping his ears from shaking his head & jingling his collar in the process, at 4 frigging am, I want to throw his ass outside. This is an hour before my alarm is due to go off sweetums. I do NOT appreciate the noise.
  2. My stepson is really cool usually. But there are some instances that his hyperactive mind set just plucks my last nerve! Grr. I'm STILL gritting my teeth over last night's baby talk from him. He's nine, not 2. If I had to hear one more: me want hot fudge-not bath. I would have thrown his butt outside too! Hubby sends his son to a very expensive christian school that is considered one of the top five college prep schools in the state of Florida. In the top 5 folks. This kid is far from dumb, but last night is STILL ticking me off! Grrrrrrrrrr.
  3. To the shit heal driver behind me this morning on my way to work: you can TRY & ride my bumper all you want. It will NOT make me go any faster then the posted speed sign in my neighborhood. As a matter of fact, I'll slow to a crawl & then not allow you to pass me. Oh yeah, I did just that didn't I?
  4. As for the first 3 phone calls this morning to my office: I don't care what you're selling, how you're selling it, or who referred you. I am the office manager/supplies purchaser/human resource department/ financial authority/keeper of the keys/writer of checks in my office. You wouldn't have spoken with any other person besides myself-so saying you spoke with someone yesterday about an order they placed but didn't pay for... IS A LIE. I did NOT order anything yesterday or the day before that. In fact, I mark my calender as to when & from whom I ordered something so I can track a receiving date. So asking me for my credit card only gets you a "Fuck Off Nitwit". And asking to speak to the manager about my attitude? Bah! I AM EVERYTHING in this office & there is no one higher then me you little toad. So fuck off.And have a nice day.
  5. To the first patient that called & said they couldn't make their appointment today but would like to have their stipend mailed to them, ya gotta make it into the office dip shit to actually get registered for this & be paid for it. So, nope. No visit= no money. So shall I see you tomorrow since it's too late for today's scheduled time?
  6. To the gentleman standing out in the hall this morning waiting for his doctor's office to open as I was unlocking the employee entrance door to my office. Asking me if you can sit in my waiting room for 2 hours because you don't want to sit out in the atrium... not my problem jackass. If your doc's office won't let you in, why should I let you in mine? Besides, I need my chairs for my own appointments ninny. Go away.
  7. Just because I'm a woman does not mean I will fall over in a dead faint grateful that some male chose to wink at me in the hallway. And because I gave you a faint smile instead of some stupid girlie giggle as if awed by your Divine presence-does not mean I'm gay or a man hater. It just means I'm not tempted by you or amused by your actions. It means: thanks but no thanks & fuck off while you're at it. I have all the male companionship I need in my life with my husband, brothers, stepson, & male friends. I don't need you or your idiotic mediocre attempts at thinking I should be grateful you paid attention to me, just because I walk with a limp & wear a brace. I could eat you for breakfast shit head & leave you in the side of the road without a qualm. So basically: I'm not impressed, go away.
  8. For my in-laws: As far as picking up my stepson-I work two jobs. I'm in my office from 6/7 am till 2pm & then I go work at the screen printing shop till my stuff is done. I cannot stop everything & go home & watch him, nor can I take him to the shop with me. There is no where for him to sit there, nothing to do, & no air conditioning. IT'S HOT AS HELL there & I am in no position to amuse him. You are retired, you do not volunteer anywhere. You have the time to watch him. I told you yesterday I was working till at least 6pm & will be doing so again today. Before I came into the picture, you picked him up & watched him after school until his father got off of work & could get home/pick him up. Why is this suddenly my job? No offense but I have always worked one or two jobs at a time since you've met me. The stroke only slowed me down & limited my choices in a second job-it did not retire me or stop me from working. So watch him. He's your grandson & the only grandchild. Enjoy your moments with him. To call me about pickup times & being "busy" and then to turn around & complain you never see your grandson is hypocritical. You can't have it both ways. Deal with it.
  9. Is this day over yet?


Comments on "Oh look, a Thursday Rant!"


Blogger Mia said ... (4:11 AM) : 

Uhhh ummmm a tad miffed are we darling? I say you flip them all the finger but not in a nice way. When you get home tonight have a touch o' the sauce or some ice cream either one works wonders.


Blogger DannieS72 said ... (4:20 AM) : 

I'm voting for the sauce personally. LOL


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