Kuma's Place: And So It's Been Banned-For at least a week.
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Location: Florida, United States

A stroke survivor living in Florida & working at getting back to being "me". I write for me because if I don't, the top of my head may just blow off from all the pressure in the there! It will never win any awards but it's enough to amuse me & that's all that matters.

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Friday, April 27, 2007

And So It's Been Banned-For at least a week.

My stepson is a great kid. It's just that he's a wee bit spoiled. Let me say this: he's the only grandchild for my in-laws. There will be NO others (not from me & not from hubby's sister). At his mom's house, he HAD an older half brother. E* (name changed to protect him from the turnip known as his mom's boyfriend) isn't a bad kid in my opinion. He left his mom's & lived with her parents for the last 4 years because of his mom's boyfriend. He went back there cause her parents are dying a slow carcinogenic death (smoking) & he miss his little brother. That lasted all of 4 months till him & the turnip got into it & both were arrested. E* JUST turned 18 & is in his senior year of high school. He lives with a friend so he can finish up his school year. But I digress.
Junior really loves his brother E* & hates the Turnip. But all the drama between his mom & Turnip at their house is unbearable for him. And yet he sees how those two fight & Turnip does the Ogre chest thrust out & that yelling is the way to get attention, etc etc etc.
So, to make this rambling clear-everyone spoils Junior & he knows it. At 9, he's playing his parents off on each other. He's trying sat least. Hell, my former stepdaughter was a master at it! Junior is an amateur compared to her. But he gets a LOT of game players between the two houses. And I mean a LOT! At our house, there is an X-Box Live, an x-box, PS2, 3 computers with numerous amounts of games, A DS, a gameboy, & now a play station portable. At his mom's there is a PS3, a DS Lite, a computer, an x-box: you see where this is going? Well Junior decided to puff his chest last night (in imitation of the Turnip) & sass back at his father when Jeff told him to put the games away & brush his teeth. Junior already mouthed off to me when I told him that dinner would be ready in 5 minutes & not to turn any game players on. WTF???? This half-sized pint redneck puffed his chest at me! I looked at him & just said: guess the zoo trip is off at your next weekend with us. You know what big man? You can stay home or with your dad while I take the boys (my best friend's nephews) for the day. He was NOT pleased. But then neither was I. He stomps off & later gives me this baby talk apology. I didn't accept it. I told him to speak concisely like the 9 year old he was or I would not acknowledge him. I HATE baby talk. Eventually the tot realized the error of his ways & spoke like he should.
Now later, when he crossed swords with his dad, all bets were off. He screamed at Jeff & threw something at him when Jeff told Junior he could not take the PSP to his mom's house for the weekend. That he just received a PS# over there & that since she won't let him bring his zdDS from there to our house-the suff from our house was no longer permitted over there (Turnip tried breaking a DS of ours & stated he wouldn't replace it if he did. nice huh?) and that Junior could just play with his stuff over there. OMG the screaming fir that ensued!
I'm done with it. I walked out of the room. I looked at Jeff & told him that I thought getting Junior all the different players was a bad idea. That the child appreciates nothing & demands instant gratification without having to earn any of it. It came down to this: Junior lost ALL of his game players & his computer time for a week to start with. (The portables are in a basket on top of the dresser in our bedroom) After that week-he has to earn the use of them back. I don't see this happening, I really don't. To prove my point in this, I was looking art some photos of puppies & parents from different doberman breeders. I'm researching my next dog. It may take me another year until I'm absolutely satisfied, but so be it. I want a dog for agility & rally & Schutzen training & more. Junior just wants a dog-preferably a Pug or a Boxer. No & no. like I explained to him a couple days ago (as did his dad), any dog we get will be of my choosing. I'm the one that will be taking care of it, feeding it, training it, & working with it. So we're getting a dog of MY choosing. Jeff wants a Dobie-which is why I chose to consider it. I like them though. Beautiful ines, great temperaments & awesome agility dogs. Junior threw a mini fit. He wants to name it. I told him we'd consider all name & to pic some & write them on a list & we'd discuss it. The dog at his mom's house (eye rolling here) is named Whiskey. Go figure. An ill-mannered dog with NO brains & intact not fixed) with absolutely NO training. The last time I saw Whiskey, he tried to jump on me & knock me down. It didn't happen. I've worked with dogs since I was 5 years old. Whiskey found himself flat on his stomach with my good hand holding him down by the scruff of his neck & I was growling at him. Yes I know-you've got a mental image on that one don't you? Well it's necessary to assert dominance in situations like this. Whiskey does not give me any trouble. Ever. But I digress. Junior wants to name the new puppy (Mario or something game player lame). I said his dad already had part of the registered name picked out & her (it will be a female btw) kennel or call name will be nikki. OMG-the tantrums started! He tarts pouting & baby talking his father about wantingto name a dog & that he wanted his own Pug puppy. Hmmmmmmm, seeing as how the interest in a puppy would vanish withing a week or two & I would be stuck with the dog..... no. New dog in our house-my choice since I would be caring for it. Jeff looks at me & I said nope. Dropped everything & said no dogs then. Nada. I'm not giving in on this & that's the end of it. Finit!
So what it all boils down to is this': Junior has lost his game players for at least a week and there will be no new dogs in our house for the time being. I never ask my husband for jewelry or gifts. It's not my way. When I'm ready for a new dog-I'll just go buy the damn thing myself & be done with it. If his nose gets out of joint-so be it, I'm through molly-coddling his tantrum-throwing 9-year-old sniveling, ill-mannered son.

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Comments on "And So It's Been Banned-For at least a week."


Blogger Mia said ... (2:36 AM) : 

Sounds like you got your hands full.But knowing you I know you'll straighten him out. It's all a matter of being firm. I guess it's hard on the kid with everything that's going on in his mom's house.


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