Kuma's Place: I swear she's full grown
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Location: Florida, United States

A stroke survivor living in Florida & working at getting back to being "me". I write for me because if I don't, the top of my head may just blow off from all the pressure in the there! It will never win any awards but it's enough to amuse me & that's all that matters.

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Thursday, April 26, 2007

I swear she's full grown

This little bugger is my Sylvia. She goes by many names though. Stalker, Speckles, Sprite, Speck. She weighs all of 2 lbs. soaking wet and she is mischief on four legs. It's hard to believe that this little brute is 2 and a half years old! But she is. I always wanted a kitten to stay kitteny & small. Well, my wish came true. Kuma shits things bigger then her! She is my sweetums though. She curls up into the tiniest ball next to me while I'm reading & likes to lay on top of Jeff's shirts on the dryer. Her purr is bigger then she is too. She has favorite toys-mainly plastic balls with bells in them, that she'll catch if you throw them to her. Paulie is her best buddy & even though he's 3x her size, they rough house like crazy. Now that Mia has seen her picture, I know she'll want to steal my little mite for Cleo to luv on. This ball of fur is afraid of nothing & usually chooses to sleep on Kuma's paws or follow her canine hero around till he pays attention to her.
She is Sylvia: hear her roar!


Comments on "I swear she's full grown"


Blogger Mia said ... (11:56 PM) : 

OMG too cute Cleo would love her! I had a Peter Pan cat like that. Her name was Sheeba and she was all white. Even though she was 15 years old she was so small people always thought she was a kitten.


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