Kuma's Place: Upwards Basketball and Junior
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Location: Florida, United States

A stroke survivor living in Florida & working at getting back to being "me". I write for me because if I don't, the top of my head may just blow off from all the pressure in the there! It will never win any awards but it's enough to amuse me & that's all that matters.

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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Upwards Basketball and Junior

Last year, Junior decided he wanted to play basketball in addition to soccer. The kid loves soccer. He's tried t-ball when he was younger & hated it. he did like flag football but lost interest in it. He's always played soccer & will continue to do so. But I agreed with him & so the search began to find a youth league. My in-laws go to First Baptist church here where we live & they came home with a program fl yer for Upwards Basketball for boys & girls. Junior goes to the Christian private school there so it was perfect! A lot of his little buddies were going to join it so he'd know some kids & get the chance to meet new boys. It's not just for the school kids that go there, but for everyone in the community.
Hubby & I looked into it & were impressed. I like the fact that it teaches the kids t he ins & outs of the game, how to interact with others, & how to be a good sport. Everyone gets to play no matter what! I liked that. It will be hard enough when Junior is older to face rejection at a sport tryout. At least here, he learns about it & everyone benefits! They start with kids as young as 1st & 2ND grade. No scoring in those grades but that comes later. Junior started in 32ND grade & there was no kept scoring there & he had loads of fun. This season he's in 3rd & last night was the awards night for the season. His team won12 out of 13 games! They came close to winning the one but the other team just rebounded & pounded them in the last quarter. That's OK-the kids were ecstatic! The age groups are offered up to the 7Th & 8Th grades & after that-most of the kids are in their junior high school teams. It's great experience & tons of fun. I'm glad Junior has been having fun with it. Next season he's all hip to go for it again-now if we can just remind him to not travel with the ball so much! He'll learn.
Here is what they offer:

Why Upward Basketball and Upward Cheer leading?Upward Basketball and Upward Cheer leading offer a break from the norm. The primary focus of Upward is to develop the Winner in EVERY child, not just a few. By keeping this goal in mind, we are able to build a league that promotes salvation, character, and self-esteem in all who participate through:
Sportsmanship and competitiveness in property perspective by not maintaining league standings in any division.
Maximizing the family schedule by having only one hour of practice and one game each week.
Equipping coaches and referees to minister by providing extensive teaching tools and resources.
Providing opportunities to promote other church ministries to all participants and their families.
Allowing the coach to focus on ministering to children and their families, instead of game strategy, by having a set substitution system where all players are allowed equal playing time and equal opportunity for improvement.
Encouraging each player with a game day award following every game.
Maximizing ministry opportunities by exposing players to scripture-based devotions during each practice and spectators to half-time testimonies each game day.
Providing opportunities to see changed hearts and lives among children, family members, and volunteers who experience and Upward ministry.
Building toward a harvest time at Awards Night where participants and parents are given an opportunity to respond to the Gospel.

Comments on "Upwards Basketball and Junior"


Blogger Mia said ... (7:29 AM) : 

Sounds nice!


Blogger DannieS72 said ... (11:33 PM) : 

It is nice. there are 6 guarters & each one only lasts 6 minutes! 3 for the first half & 3 for the 2nd half. It goes by quick too!


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